Johann Strauss, Father and Son
A Century of Light Music
by Heinrich Eduard Jacob
Bibliography by
Jeffrey B. Berlin
  April 2002

German editions

Johann Strauss und das neunzehnte Jahrhundert,
die Geschichte eines musikalischen Weltherrschaft (1819-1917)
Amsterdam: Querido Verlag, 1937; 438 pages

Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1953
(new edition)

Johann Strauss. Vater und Sohn
Bremen: Carl Schünemann Verlag, 1960

American editions

Johann Strauss, Father and Son
A Century of Light Music
by H. E. Jacob
translated by Marguerite Wolff
New York: Crown, 1939

New York: Greystone, 1940; 385 pages
(2nd edition)

Garden City: Halcyon House, 1948
(reprint of Greystone edition)

Other translations / editions
  • Hungarian, 1939
  • Swedish, 1939
  • British, 1940
  • Argentine, 1940
  • Brazilian, 1942
  • French, 1955
  • Dutch, 1961
  • Czech
  • Hebrew
  • Serbo-Croatian


© 2002 Jeffrey B. Berlin

R. W. Franson's review of
Johann Strauss, Father and Son
A Century of Light Music
by H. E. Jacob

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